Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Blog 17: "What is Style?" Part 2

Style is a blend between Peter Cushing and Billy Dee Williams.

Sort of.

My previous post on Style - way back in September - is written too poetically (blah) to describe what Style actually is, or what it can be. Style (in regards to writing) umbrellas much more than some dude/chick free-associating with a thesaurus. To have style one must know the rules and how to break/bend them. In this class we read Strunk and White's 'Elements of Style' and Joseph M. Williams' 'Style: Toward Clarity and Grace'. These praised publications really helped me sketch what good writing is, what good writing ought to be, and - finally - how to write well - or better, depending.

If someone were to ask me what I learned in English 328 I would tell them that, after taking the course, I learned the importance/benefits of technological literacy in (and out of ) the classroom. Furthermore, I learned many new (to me) grammar rules that I would otherwise turned my nose at.

As I prepare to be a Secondary School teacher (scary thought), I will use some of the content from this course in my own classroom. For example, we learned that technology can sometimes breed motivation. I want my students to experience low-end types of technology in order to encourage motivation and implement course work.