Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Blog 15: Looking back at past readings, looking forward to the essay about the movie-making process

I think Strunk and White, Williams, & Ong will be particulary helpful for me when writing my essay.

Through this experience I've learned that writing is the backbone of any technological medium. You need to start somewhere. For this assignment we needed to create a video depicting some sort of grammar rule. This required us to go back to our readings (particularly Strunk, White, and Williams) and create some sort of script or outline for what we planned on filming. Surprisingly, I felt the writing part was the easiest. The filming and editing has been giving us the most trouble.

Since we are making such a low-grade video (at least our group is) it's difficult to draw strong connections between some of our readings and this project. However, we drew from 'Elements of Style' and 'Style: Toward Clarity and Grace' in that we expand on the "Omit Needless Words" rule.

Ong believes writing is a technology and I couldn't agree with the guy more. Especially in our information age... so much writing goes into everything we see on television and the internet. Albiet, TV is jammed with mostly "reality" shows now - but I would bet my tombstone that quite a bit of writing goes into those shows. Makes me think of the writers strike a year or two back. This proved that writing is the backbone to our media relations (entertainment, news, etc...) and without, there is much less direction. Writing directs so to speak.

I feel like I will have quite a bit to write about when I start my essay on this project. There have been things that went smoothly and things that have been borderline disasterous. For example... writing and filming the first scenes were a breeze but when it came to editing... one of our group members forgot the camera one day. No big deal, really... but it put a damper on our project I think. Also, our file was deleted off the school computer. Thankfully, it was saved on one of the cameras. It's been a bumpy ride, but I can't wait to see the final result.

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