Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Blog 16: Peer review recap, part 4

What was the most useful aspect(s) of peer review? What parts of the process did you find least useful?
The most useful aspect of peer review is getting some insight into your work. It's nice to hear what others have to say - even it it's somewhat negative - as long as it can be used constructively, it's okay with me. The least useful aspect was receiving positive comments without any critical comments.

What do you think you have learned this term about responding to others' writing?
This term I learned that it is crucial is be as concise and constructive as possible when responding to others' writing. We're all in this boat together, we should be working together to recieve the grades we deserve.

What do you think you have learned this term about making use of your classmates' advice?
I was taught a long time ago that you should use your own discretion when recieving feedback - that is to say, only use the suggestions you feel will be useful or beneficial. I thought recieving advice on my papers was extremely useful, but there were some I didn't necessarily agree with - which is OK. In fact it's good because it opens your mind to new directions your paper may or may not take.

Anything else about peer review?
It's is very useful when used appropriately. I enjoyed learning about and using Google Docs and plan to use it in the future.

David Slaga.

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